Helen Einstein

Helen was born on 03.07.1814 to Heinrich Hayum Moos and Fanny Schmal.
She was born in Bad Buchau.
She died on 20.08.1887 as 73 years old in Ulm.

Origin of the name Helen - English form of the Greek ‘Ελενη (Helene), probably from Greek &..

husband Abraham Einstein

Abraham was 6 years older than Helen.
Abraham was born on 16.04.1808 to Rupert Einstein and Rebekka Obernauer.
He died on 21.11.1868 as 60 years old in Ulm.
Children: Hermann Einstein (30.08.1847 - 10.10.1902).
Grandchildren: Albert Einstein (14.03.1879 - 18.04.1955)
Descendants: children (2nd generation): 1, grandchildren (3rd generation): 1, 4th generation: 3, 5th generation: 3, total: 8