George Rogers Clark Todd

George Rogers Clark Todd was born on 1825 as 7th child to parents Robert Smith Todd (25.02.1791 - 16.07.1849) and Elizabeth Parker (? - 06.07.1825)
He died on 1900, at the age of 75.
Older siblings: Elizabeth Todd Edwards (1813 - 1888), Frances "Fanny" Todd Wallace (1815 - 1899), Levi O. Todd (1817 - 1865), Robert P. Todd (1820 - 1822), Ann Todd Smith (1824 - 1891).
Younger siblings: Mary Lincoln (13.12.1818 - 16.07.1882).
Lived to adulthood: Elizabeth Todd Edwards, Frances "Fanny" Todd Wallace, Levi O. Todd, Mary, Ann Todd Smith and George Rogers Clark Todd
