Lawrence Washington

Lawrence was born on 1718 as 2nd child to parents Augustine Washington (12.11.1694 - 12.04.1743) and Jane Butler
He was born in Virginia.
He died on 1752 as 34 years old in Mount Vernon. Note: tuberculosis
Older siblings: Butler Washington (1716 - 1716).
Younger siblings: Augustine Washington Jr. (1720 - 1762), Jane Washington (1722 - 1735).
Lived to adulthood: Lawrence and Augustine
Half siblings: George Washington (22.02.1732 - 14.12.1799), Betty Washington Lewis (20.06.1733 - 31.03.1797), Samuel Washington (16.11.1734 - 26.09.1781), John Augustine Washington (1736 - 1787), Charles Washington (02.05.1738 - 16.09.1799), Mildred Washington (1739 - 1740).

Origin of the name Lawrence - Variant of Laurence. This spelling of the name is now more common than Laurence in the English-speak..

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