Isabel Moniz

the person is recorded as dead but the exact date of death is not entered

husband Bartolomeu Perestrelo

Bartolomeu was born on 1400 to Fillip Pallastrelli (? - ?) and ?.
He died on 1457 as 57 years old in Porto Santo Island.
Children: Filipa Moniz Perestrelo (1455 - 15.06.1485).
Grandchildren: Diego Columbus (1479 - 01.02.1527)
Descendants: children (2nd generation): 1, grandchildren (3rd generation): 1, 4th generation: 6, 5th generation: 5, 6th generation: 2, total: 15
guvernér ostrova Porto Santo

Origin of the name Bartolomeu - Portuguese and Galician form of Bartholomew...